Untitled 1




Wonder Program WW308


The focus of this program is a celebration in the understanding of the Divine become realized in the evolutionary life of the Cosmos and the place of humanity in this movement. It shares with those assembled the energetic connection that is the Christ who became Jesus and the Christ who gave to creation the freedom of evolution. A process which is a SEEing of Christ as the curator of cosmic mutation from one stage to the next. And it is this very mutation which becomes the quest of those who would be human. Humanity is part of the process and yet has the potential to move beyond the process by following that person (Jesus in Christian terms) or becoming part of the energy (consciousness in scientific terms) which can move our objective self (our soul/unique personality) beyond the continuum of space and time.


Those gathered will be inspired to SEE, as a community, the movement of one’s unique consciousness energy or objective self, one’s soul, as the knowledge that can move between the different levels of existence (spiritual, material, etc.). This focus comes from a synthesis of insights including Fr. Spitzer and his DVD "Cosmic Origins;" the CD series "Cosmic Christ" by Fr. Rohr and a developed vision of Teilhard de Chardin. Powerfully new and challenging concepts are presented and shared in the loving presence of a gathered community seeking a common Quest. Insights from Thomas Aquinas help to smooth out the wrinkles.


We will come to SEE that the individual human is the Knowledge that cannot be destroyed. It is the human consciousness that will mutate into a spiritual awareness through the constant effort of each individual soul. Our Quest is to follow the Christ into a mutated awareness which will allow us to fully join Him beyond space and time.




1. Christ is Christ before the Incarnation of Jesus. Christ is the expression, the ultimate expression of the Conscious-Awareness, present at the free beginning of this space-time continuum or reality. The Incarnation began with the Bid Bang and even before then.


2. Divine Incarnation in the human influence in Jesus of Nazareth is the approval of the divine on the evolutionary process of this space-time reality.


3. This expression of the Divine with human is an approval process in which the mutated stages of human growth are witnessed and attained in a fully human being. This vary same growth process is also possible and part of the human potential.


4. Mutation which becomes the quest of those who would be human. Does humanity have the full potential to become accepting of not only every other human but also of the creative process which is the evolutionary direction of this space-time continuum.


5. Jesus mutates back into the Christ. Does humanity have the same potential to mutate into a being of consciousness capable of expanding the reality of space-time and making the bridge to other realities. Is this the truest understanding of Jesus when He said to follow Him?


6. It is only as prophets, and in particular, prophets of our own souls that we can embrace and dare to SEE the way revealed by Jesus as He transmutes back into the Christ. As prophets we can begin to SEE that the Christ of the Scriptures is so much more than human reality can come to embrace at this time in our spiritual and evolutionary growth.



Note: Run time is approximately six hours with a recess break of five minutes between each chapter. This Seminar is shared by David Pinto, Director of the Workshop. The Wonder Workshop was established in 1978.


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