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The Mystical Body And It's Prophets


Wonder Program WW302



The Promise is given. What does this mean?




1. Human History says that God the Father will send a Redeemer.


2. Cosmic History calls forth in each human and humanity a destiny to come back or realize that we are part of the Light; wherein The Human Adventure is revealed as the explosive synthesis of what History tells us and the Cosmos shows us.


3. The Smaller Consciousness spilled forth from the Larger Consciousness as of light from a star.


4. A first understanding the role of Prophet of the Mystical Body can be established in a discourse by understanding the Prophet's role in History in the context of the Person Jesus; the Historical Jesus.


5. A second understanding is also necessary of Prophet of the Mystical Body; in which discernment leads to an awareness of Christ as the Light not only in the Cosmos but also of the Cosmos; the Cosmic Christ.


6. The prophet of the Cosmic Christ lives in the Mystical

Body of the Earth Faith Community. It began when the

forces of our space-time continuum of strong and weak

forces, gravity and time were together in the loving

embrace of the Larger Consciousness. Then, as Love (for

Teilhard this is radial love) kept pouring into this

community from the other Creations or continuums. The

community was expanded and a connection was made

with the other creations and the universe we know today

was born. The connection to other creations remains still

today; it is the Mystical Body.


7. The Prophet of the Cosmic Christ is the caretaker of the Mystical Body, on Earth, in the universe we know today. It is the Prophet who is charged with showing and walking the path back into the Light from which the Larger Consciousness created the Mystical Body. It is the Prophet who must embrace this Human Adventure and then dare to instruct others as to its meaning. And, the means by which the Prophet comes to SEE what path is to be taken is attained by acquiring wisdom and knowledge that the cosmos has to share, which points the way back into the Light. In short, the Prophet must learn not only how to pray but to be Prayer.


8. The Prophet of the Cosmic Christ must be transformative of self. This means that one must be able to disassemble and put back together; to tear away and build up; to plant and install, until a new creation emerges. Transformation takes time. Transformation takes heartbreak. Transformation takes tears and laughter. Transformation takes forging of new relationships. Transformation takes faith, the faith to hear God's Promise in the middle of all of the tearing away and building up, in disassembly and putting back together.


This progression and the response of the prophet on the Quest of one's own soul is the focus and direction of this dynamic Workshop Program.


Note: Run time is approximately six hours with six minute recess time between chapters except for the time for lunch will be longer. This seminar is a Program of The Wonder Workshop and is shared by David Pinto, director and founder. The Wonder Workshop was established in 1978.


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