Expressive Artwork # 5



Jesus Is First Born



God created the cosmos worthy of His love. It burst forth from a power, a singularity, which has many names. Among these names one stands out, "the Holy Trinity." From the absolute love, (symbolized by the omega of Teilhard) of giving was born a cosmos with the potential to realize the love of its Creator. A love, that is freely given to all and everything; it only needs to be realized and claimed.


It is from Omega (God) that Alpha is born (Jesus) who is to become aware that he is the Christ. In this scene the starburst which is an actual NASA photo of a cosmic phenomenon, is a symbol of the Christ transmuted through space and time.


The Christian religion is based on this simple Truth: that through the Incarnation Easter and Pentecost are made possible. And, that because of Mary, Jesus was able to connect humanity with the desire of the cosmos to give adoration to God.


The human outline is that of humanity realizing God's love in the face of Jesus. In this scene Jesus is fading (transmuting) into the Christ, who is now the total activation of the purity of matter, focused in the Blessed Virgin, which is in essential combination with the Conscious-Awareness (soul), who is Point Omega, the doorway to Nothingness.