Untitled 1

Expressive Artwork # 2





The interesting use of this message is that it can be applied directly to the three major Seasons in the Catholic Church. Christmas has no meaning without Easter. Easter has no value without Pentecost. Christmas, Easter and Pentecost are more than just a means of salvation for those who are Catholic. These three events are part of the First and Second Movement of Wisdom. In the First Movement cosmic history is not only giving witness to humanity but the entire space-time continuum that is being brought along toward union with and back into the whole; the Truth. In the Second Movement, God the Father, through Jesus, validates humanity and evolution that gave birth to a life form capable of reflective consciousness that can now freely adore God. "Forgive them Father for they know not what they do." embraces not only humanity but all that is of creation from the Big Bang to the exhaustion of the universe into another expression of existence and duration.


Eye Coming Through Omega


Omega is the gate or portal through which the transmutation of Action #1 (metaphysical/scientific --- theological/God the Father) is manifest in temporal reality as Action #3 (metaphysical/scientific --- theological/God the Holy Spirit) moving toward Action #1. The "eye" (actual Hubble picture) is Action #1 whose energy (metaphysical/scientific --- theological/God's love) diffuses into all realities temporal and non-temporal. The transmuted energy of Action #1 comes from the only thing big enough to hold Pure Goodness or Absolute Positive Energy which is Nothingness (established from Hegel's concepts). Omega is like a two-way switch which regulates the flow of energy back and forth through a circuit. Omega acts the same way as a door or portal through which energy flows to and from Action #1. This switch is opened and closed by each individual consciousness or soul as it moves from the energy of Action #1 into the energy field of Action #3 and then from Action #3 back into Action #1 (physical life into physical death). This process examples the energy movement of Action #2 which confines and contains the energy of Action #3 into a focus direction from and toward Action #1. For Teilhard de Chardin the boundaries of human consciousness are established by the expression of Action #2 in both the temporal and non-temporal realities; this is the Christos. Christ is the Omega; this is the portal, the switch of the Holy Spirit and consciousness to and from the Father. Action #1 is God the Father in whom all existence originates.


The Dove


The dove is the movement of Action #3 which is the transmuted energy of Action #1 into all realities of existence. It is the energy of Action #3 that brings all that is created back into Action #1. The transmutation of Action #1 into all realities is only possible through Action #3. Action #3 becomes or is all the different realities of existence. In theological terms it can be said that it is the Holy Spirit which brings us back to the Father. And all of creation is the Holy Spirit, no matter the particular reality.


The White Cross


The white cross is actually a real NASA photo taken by the Hubble telescope, which has been slightly enhanced. The cross is the energy of Action #2. It is what binds and contains the energy flow (or God's love) of Action #3 back into Action #1. Action #2 connects the expressions of Action #3 in all its ramifications of temporal and non-temporal realities. Action #2 connects itself through a direct expression of ultimate human potential as witnessed in the transmuted energy of the Christ in Jesus of Nazareth.


The Cup and Host


The host and cup is so much more than the actual, physical, divinely embedded body and blood of Jesus of Nazareth given in physical form through the transmutative state of the Christ. This body and blood of Jesus of Nazareth is the cosmic expression of the Christ risen in which the connection is revealed that Christ is the essence, the radial energy, of the entire cosmic process. In this sense the diffusion of radial energy throughout the process of evolution could be seen at the center of each reaction that makes the cosmic process "move" as the Christ-particle in each individual, unique reaction motivating and directing in the creative freedom given this movement at the Big Bang. Christ, Action #2, is directly connected through the human form of Jesus of Nazareth through the transmuted essence of bread and wine into His body and blood. This is the Christ-particle of Jesus of Nazareth to the human condition. Through this Action #2, the direction of Action #3, the Holy Spirit, is made visibly present and essentially, divinely viable to the entire human community.


The Face


Humanity is the Third Movement in the process of Wisdom. It is Humanity which has the reflective aspect of the Christ-particle within itself. The desire of the Human spirit to move back out into the stars touches at the inner Christ-particle within each human to not only move out into the physical reality of space, time and matter but to move through the doorway, the Christos, back into a conscious awareness of a reality not of temporal time but of infinite duration moving forward. Theology calls this awareness (place) heaven. Science would see this process as the next step in the evolution of the psychic. Philosophy would say that the mind is reaching the next step toward its full potential. The Poet would say that everything is beautiful. The Metaphysicist would say that the marvel of existence is truly a wonder of process. To look upward and outward, focused with inner awareness of the Christ-particle within, is the destiny of each human and of Humanity.

The Earth


The earth is the creative force/love of the Father expressly witnessed for humanity's planet.


Higgs/Bosom Particle


This is an actual photon telescope picture of what many are calling the Higgs/Bosom particle the "God Particle." It is the background on which all the other artwork symbolism is embedded. It is the smallest part of creation and life that we have yet to witness and which can change it direction of movement by "making" its own choice. Those scientists who would call this the "God Particle," only examples the arrogance of an infant humanity looking at itself as the center of attention. Though this is an important and necessary discovery it's existence only reveals that there is so much more to discover. And, for this reason alone it makes the perfect background for this year's cover artwork