Untitled 1

Intersecting Disciplines

.....will contribute to the discourse in revealing evidence in which the effects of the consciousness-awareness is revealed in areas that give relevance to established belief systems.  These disciplines include science, culture, society and political structures.



Growth Consciousness is a totally saturated lifestyle which is more than a way of living; it is life itself in union with the cosmos and the spirit, the actualization of the Conscious-Awareness. The "ego" has been placed within the framework of positive energy expression. This individual has reached a certain comfort level that allows for some to large amounts of waking time that can be spent considering very abstract symbols and signs, which then process into ever "greater" and more complex realizations, conclusions and theorems. The "soul" of the individual becomes the focus of daily concern. The question "WHY?" becomes the answer and there comes the realization that we are a world family and that we will reach our potential only as a family. What this individual also realizes is that our full potential can only be actualized as an individual (Teilhard). Actualization comes slowly and painfully and in only a positive expression of energy when responsibility, accountability and justice are equally and honestly applied in the process. This individual becomes aware and then begins to move toward humanity's next stage of growth/evolution; the explosive challenge of Homo-Sapien to Homo-Noeticus.

         ---Book of Words: Humanity Defined in Words


Can Homo-Sapien create a society in which Homo-Noeticus can continued to be born and survive?