Untitled 1

Intersecting Disciplines

.....will contribute to the discourse in revealing evidence in which the effects of the consciousness-awareness is revealed in areas that give relevance to established belief systems.  These disciplines include science, culture, society and political structures.


The major theory today is that there is Black or Negative Energy that "must" be directing the cosmos in a form or manner that we do not yet know. Currently, this is a "catch-all" concept in which an explanation is offered in an attempt to make understandable the cosmos and how it works. It is a way of science saying "we do not know yet" and this is a valid position. Now, the search is on for this Black Energy and how it might work.


It might be suggested that there is a formula for determining this force and also one for how it works. However, values and "constants" must be established in order to make the formula valid.


A2 + Q2 = W

"A" represents the dynamism of The Human Adventure as expressed in the conversion of entropic energy into the radial energy at the core of all that exists.


"Q" represents the degree of unquenchable desire of the human and humanity to ask "Why?"


"W" represents the wonder present when the two energies of The Human Adventure and the Why? are added together. Wonder becomes Conscious-Awareness in search of itself.


One only need to look at the "wonder" of reading the atom and nanotechnology to see that the connection between science and religion becomes ever bolder; which discipline will be first to claim this formula as its own? And, can it?


Science attempts to explain the cosmic in a reality of 'now'. It is the individual consciousness in union with the awareness of Point Omega (Teilhard) that reveals the Consciousness-Awareness of the Universe. It is the Consciousness-Awareness which is the end point of a reality of 'how' to which science will discover and then be able to discern what the Truth is. Truth is the desire of Wisdom.


The Formula>>>>>>> A2 x Q2 = W


The Factors:


The Circle >>>>>The Consciousness of the Universe

     (Point Omega).


The Inner Square>>>>>>>>>>The unique, individual, singular spirit which is one's personal soul.


Q>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The degree of unquenchable desire of the human and humanity to ask the "Why?" The squaring of this number estimates the extent of human potential at this time to ask "Why?" This is the Quest.


A>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The dynamism (aspiration) of humanity which is The Human Adventure (Quest) to acquire knowledge in truth and trust of the ultimate energy force (wisdom).

The squaring of this number estimates the extent of human potential at this time to ask "Why?"


W>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The Wonder which is nothing less than the Consciousness-Awareness becoming ever more aware of its reflective self, which will find its ultimate expression in Point Omega.