Untitled 1

Intersecting Disciplines

....will contribute to the discourse in revealing evidence in which the effects of the consciousness-awareness is revealed in areas that give relevance to established belief systems.  These disciplines include science, culture, society and political structures.


The positive thrust of the human species toward planetization, which is virtually completed and is beginning the stage of compressive socialization. The risk is that the flow of the Conscious-Awareness as not reached a level where the negative energy of "diversity-as-unity" can be converted. If the negative energy cannot be converted to the positive energy of "unity-in-diversity" then this thrust could be drastically slowed or stopped. A strong pull toward collectivization, greater consciousness, increased quest for personalization. A dangerous tension between those in the world who favor unification ("unity-in-diversity") and those who fear and resist it ("diversity-as-unity").

        ---Book of Words: Humanity Defined in Words


Are those who run countries and nations and people seeking to unite all peoples in justice, responsibility, accountability and compassion?


     Justice --- Responsibility --- Accountability --- Compassion


1.   "The budget should be balanced, the Treasury should be refilled, public debt should be reduced, the arrogance of officialdom should be tempered and controlled, and the assistance to foreign lands should be curtailed lest (we) become bankrupt. People must again learn to work, instead of living on public assistance."



2.   Change the "we" to "Rome" and you have a good idea who this person is. Cicero uttered these words almost 2,000 years ago when talking about the corruption of his beloved Rome in 55 B.C.E.



3.   Not all "Change" is good. When "Change" seeks to limit and control Consciousness and even worse when it tries to destroy the birth of that Consciousness it becomes evil in the truest sense of what sin is. When a Nation seeks to commit great sin can it claim any right to burden its citizens with the constant demand to tax? At some point, if the Nation is to survive and grow the people must say: "NO more tax - NO more sin."