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(Artwork By Don Bloom)


Welcome To Wonder Workshop


To all who enter upon this Site; you are invited to join me as we study the connection between the cosmos and spirituality.


This connection is a path, a Quest of discovery and adventure. As I came to realize that we are all prophets of our own souls a desire emerged in me to share this vision which has been revealing itself for so many years. I welcome every visitor to the web site wonder workshop.net. May your journey through this Site be rewarding, challenging and exciting. May you continue to embrace your desire for the Truth and may you never tire in your Quest.


One very challenging day I sat thinking about my father, shortly after his transmutation and began reading The Phenomenon Of Man by Teilhard de Chardin. At that very moment, the words jumping out at me created stirring visions of life and consciousness as I saw the movement of knowledge as it began its journey from nothingness to everything; the pain of my father's absence was replaced by a realization of how IT all fit together. The response was a shouted, "Yes, that is it!!" The pain of my father's absence was no more.


This Site is devoted to the Quest of coming to know the process of matter becoming spirit and spirit transmuting the continua of realities. The Master Prophet we will be following as we take up our Quest together is Teilhard de Chardin. The means by which we will be making our Quest is in the discourse of the "intersecting disciplines" and "belief systems" which is the intellectual environment of the human mind and body. The fuel for our Quest is found in the programs and materials that are offered for one's personal growth. Within this Site we will all become prophets in the revelation of our Quest and how we fit into the here and now as we examine the growth of Consciousness. We will see that the growth of Consciousness requires openness to the data of knowledge for the mind and understanding in honest acceptance of the soul.


I invite to join with me as we embark to become a prophet through our Quest. Let us together join in learning what is most True. Let us share with each other as we proclaim the Truth discovered. Let us stand together as we give witness to the glory of a traveled Quest in which Truth is embraced. Let the Quest begin!!!!