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The Wonder Workshop Logo


"The Wonder that you are...

...Is the Mystery that Is."


This phrase; this thought; best describes the expression brought forth in the Workshop logo where the "W" is merging into the "Ω". Here the "W" represents the Wonder that is the unique, individual, character or objective self (a theological term being, soul). Each person or soul is that fundamental expression of God as created from the moment that duration or movement was brought into being. Duration in the physical continuum expresses itself as space and time and in the spiritual continuum as immortal existence with a beginning. Each unique, objective self or soul is a Wonder as an expression of the ultimate Mystery, which is God. In the movement of duration which takes in all the continuums of existence, the Wonder which is each unique, individual will realize that it is already and has always been in God. How existence is always in God without yet attaining realization is the Mystery that exists.



The "Ω" is that point or gateway through which a more advanced realization is made that each unique, personal, individual self or soul is actually and in reality a part of God. Though this realization is possible and even desirable in the space/time continuum, "Ω" usually refers to the awareness only possible once outside the duration of movement known as space/time. The move through "Ω" is what Teilhard de Chardin describes as Point Omega. It is not so much a place as a transition point or portal; what one might call a doorway to the spiritual or another continuum in science terminology. The "W" is in a state of constant mergence just as the Wonder of each individual is moving toward and ultimately through the Omega point. The "Ω" is shown on top of the "W" as a way of showing that the door or portal is open to the Wonder of reflective consciousness, the Conscious-Awareness across all continuums of existence.


The logo itself therefore can become an inspiration that the realization of the Mystery can only be actualized in the union of physical, the body, and spirituality, awareness or soul, in that:


Every Breath You Take.......


Every Thought You Think......


Is Prayer ...